Thursday, January 5, 2012

OMG! Even my yoga pants are starting to feel tight!

I spent all morning organizing a closet that is made up of way too many pieces I had to have because I knew they would look great on me if I just lost five...ten...twenty pounds. And, in every case, the original tags are still attached. Finally I realized I couldn't put it off another minute.

I put on an old pair of capri-length workout sweats. Eeks! Those belong in the ten-pound-less pile. So I graduated to my yoga pants. Who knew it was possible to have a muffin top in yoga pants? Well, now I do! In that moment I was even more convinced that today had to be the day. So I said a little prayer: "God - please don't let me run into any cute, available bachelors looking like this" and then walked out my front door.

It was ugly. Lots of huffing and puffing...after the first 1/4 mile. Flushed cheeks and sweat from the 87-degree heat and 387 consecutive days of inactivity. And I'm pretty sure I have hay fever now. But I started, so the hard part is over, right? Ha!

At least God answered my prayer...I didn't have to run from any good-looking boys. Which is good because after my quick jaunt into the glen, running wasn't really an option.

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